So it’s been a couple of weeks now that I have been trying to figure this journey out. I am pleased to announce that since the start I have lost about eight whole pounds. Granted, it’s the same two pounds four times. But I will not give up; at least I am losing something after all.
I will admit that I have also had a few unexpected setbacks as well. It started with a badly infected ingrown toenail that made it hard to do anything for a short time. Without going into details you might not want to know about, it involved several trips to my doctor, two more to a podiatrist, many soakings of my foot in epsom salt, and two procedures to remove part and and all of the side of my toenail. It is now recovering well, and appears to be almost healed. (Until my dog stepped on it as soon as I got home this evening.)
As if that was not bad enough, allergy season has started here, and it’s bad. For the past week I have been unable to breath and felt like a I’ve been run over by a truck. I’ve coughed and coughed. But this, too, is now starting to go away. I was able to sleep in the bed last night instead of sitting up on the couch with my dog. (He did not like me sleeping in bed and not on the couch last night.) Today I have had more energy and feel like I have returned to the land of the living. Yeah for lower pollen counts!
All of this means I have had time to reenergize myself and think about what has worked so far and what has not. So far, I have tried MyFitnessPal for my calorie counter and synced it with my FitBit. I have learned from this that I don’t eat the amount of calories allotted to me by my app and still don’t lose weight. I do lose weight, and feel better, as I cut back on my beloved carbs. The things I have realized and learned about diets and weight loss will take way more time than you want me to ramble here. I will follow up with a whole post on my views what works and does not work in at a later time. It’s hard to figure out the right combination for my best health, but I am not giving up. I will lose this weight and feel better about my appearance. I will continue to find ways to cope with stress and and everything life tries to throw at me. And I will continue to build and grow in my faith.
I am starting a challenge put forth by one of the doctors I follow on Facebook. It is the “100 Miles in 30 Days Challenge”. Basically, you walk, bike, swim, or exercise for 45-60 minuets a day for the next 30 days. By the end you will have walked (or exercised) for the equivalent of 100 miles. Its also a fund raiser for our local Foundation for DCPS. I start tomorrow, so wish me luck!
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