The Beginning

So, I have realized that this blog is, in part, supposed to share my weight loss journey. And so far I have not written anything about this.

To start with, yes I am considered to be obese by today’s medical community. Looking in the mirror I would have to agree. I would not say I am large, just larger than I would like to be and heavier than my brain recognizes.I am not as flexible as I used to be, nor do I have as much energy. I know my health is starting to suffer because of this and I want to do something now while I can and before it becomes a problem.

I am aiming to ultimately loss about 60-70 pounds. I realize to some this is not as much as they would like to loss and to others this is way more than they can even think about losing. I have successfully lost weight before but not quite this much. I know I can do it but it will be a struggle. There will be mental as well as physical barriers I will encounter along the way; but hopefully, with support, I will be able to push through them.

So what is my plan to achieve this lofty goal? Well… time, discipline, and grace.

In previous posts I have eluded to these but not how they effect me on this journey. To start with, I plan on doing something that may seem a little odd. I know my end goal weight, but I’m not going to focus on that at all. Instead I’m going to set small goals for myself. Take everything in five to ten pound increments. I am setting markers for myself and look forward to seeing them on the scales. I’m not trying to push myself too hard to reach them, only hope that the scale goes down overall.

My normal diet is not the best. I eat a lot of fast food. Wendy’s is my favorite. I am also a carbatarian. Breads and potatoes are staples in just about everything I eat. However, I am finding these things which I love are not only adding to my waist but also make me very bloated as well as other issues. So, I am trying to cut them out of most of my meals. I am trying to stick more to proteins, vegetables and then fruits. (I love fruits and if I could this would be all I would eat if my body would allow. Sadly, a fruits only diet has problems of its own.) I’m not a big sweets fan so cutting sugar is not a problem, its the bread and fried food that are my weakness.

I know that I will have those times when I will eat the junk food or give in and have a bun with my chicken breast or fries with my salad; but these are the times I give myself grace. I know I am not perfect and I will give into my weaknesses. This is when it is important to not beat myself up over making a bad choice. Instead, I will acknowledge that I should not have eaten that food but then try to be more conscientious about what I eat for the next several meals at least.

I am also trying to remember the weight will not come off overnight. I will not be able to do as much as I could twenty years ago in a week. I have to remind myself that this is a process that will take time. I think breaking this journey into smaller goals and calling it a journey will help to remind me of this.

I have make myself stick to this and find healthy ways to reward myself as I hit these goals. I hope will join me through this, offering encouragement to me, but also finding inspiration for yourself in your own life. Also, I am doing this with the help and guidance of my supportive doctor.

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