Hi and welcome to my journey. I’m Ally, a chaplain, and explorer. I live in a warm and friendly, river town. My husband, dog and I explore our neighborhood, city and world around us whenever we can. Life is busy but there is always time to find a way to take care of yourselves.
I have traveled around the world and love to experience new cultures and meet new people. Often the best way to share life in other cultures is through food. This has led me to a love of international foods. However, many of my favorites are not the healthiest or the ones you should eat every day. Hence the need to regain my health.
This journey is mainly for weight loss and becoming healthier, but I believe that health is not just what the scale says. It is also equal parts mental and spiritual health. All of this is part of this journey for me.
I probably should note that I am not a medical professional. However, I am doing all of this under the supervision of my doctor.